I don't think I explained that very well... Anyway, I'm off topic... BIG surprise.
The point!
We're studying the Purpose Driven Life book by Rick Warren. Yesterday, we did a condensed study on purpose #2: "You were formed for God's family." I guess the fundamental idea is that we were created to be part of a family, and I do not mean a biological family, but a great community of believers. Now, there are many reasons why it is important to be part of a church and part of a specific group of believers, but one of my favorites (and really the signature sermon of my pastors) is Psalm 92:12-13:
"The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall flourish like the palm tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible]. Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God."We will NEVER accomplish the purpose of our lives, at least not the full purpose of God for our lives, unless we are part of a local church, or a local group of believers. I firmly believe this and the Bible does support it. Of course, some of us will have to change our mindset on what "the church" means... For one, it's not that building you go to on Sunday mornings.
Church is a community. Church is a family. And just like there are problems in any family or community, there will be problems in every local church. That is NO reason to leave your church.
I know in our western society it has become "normal" and ok to get a divorce or separate yourself from your blood family when problems arise that you do not want to or know how to fix. I also know that sometimes, even when you want to and know how to fix a problem, the other people involved have no desire to change. That, Scripturally speaking, still does not give us the ok to leave our family (biological, by marriage, or spiritual).
This is just the start... I'm going to expand on this some more later.