Tuesday, April 11, 2006

New Ramblings!

Hmmm... It's been a while, eh!
I've realized that sometimes, you need to work things out before you write about them. Journaling is great and all, but being an emotional person--who can run really high one day and be totally low the next--sometimes, some of my thoughts need to be worked through first.

Well, let's get up-to-date.

I've had a baby... Well, my wife had the baby. Her name is Eliya, and she is the most precious gift I have received besides the gift of (eternal and earthly) life from God and the gift of a married life with my wife. I'll probably start a blog for her too... PSYCHO-BLOG-GUY... That's me :)

What else?

Well, we have started our Young-Adults ministry. It's far from the vision I've had for this, but we've been meeting for the past 6 Fridays, and the turn-out has been good. Right now, it's like another worship service... We have some nice acoustic, intimate worship, and a great word (OK, so I'm tooting my own horn :)

Ultimately, I think we're having fun... Well, with some hiccups along the way. But, I think that's par for the course.

I was reading some of my past entries... And I have to repent a bit, especially in regards to the entry entitled the Fellowship - All Alone

I was getting discouraged. I was ready to quit. It has not been easy working full-time, having a newborn to care for, my wife and baby have had an infection for the last month, working with different people--who all have their own ideas (not necessarily a bad thing, but it is a lot more work)--, dealing with some crap at work (oops, am I allowed to write crap?), not feeling well physically, ... Should I complain more? :) ... Oh, yeah, being pissed at God... oooo, are you allowed to be pissed at God?

(BTW, for those who don't know me, I'm pretty irreverent towards "sacred cows" of Christianity... If you think you can't be angry with God, read some Psalms... Of course you can't stay there!)

Anyway, I was reminded of my commitment to see this through to the end. I was reminded of my own words, that I would not quit, NO MATTER WHAT. I was reminded that the reason I even stepped into leading and pastoring this Young Adults (College-Age) ministry was because God asked me to, and I said yes.

Anyway, say a little prayer for me today. I know I have stuff to work on in my own life... But doesn't everyone... However, this will not stop me from moving forward and doing what God has asked me to do.