Thursday, December 23, 2004


I may not be able to get to a computer for the next couple of days, so I just wanted to send out a Christmas blessing! May your holidays be filled with love, joy, hope, and happiness. And may the love of God fill your whole being!

Be blessed!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Success... What is it? (part 4)

I really like the commentary to Joshua 1:8 in the Amplified Translation. It writes, "This is the only place in the early English versions where the word "success" is found. The secret of success is given in verses 5 through 9. Joshua accepted Moses' place of leadership without misgivings. God's will for him was his will, and he did not hesitate. To go "all out" for God was already habitual with him; it is the unfailing prerequisite of eternal success (Deut. 6:3-5; Ps. 1:1-3; Luke 10:25-28)."

So, do you want the secret to success? Here it is:
"No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. Be strong (confident) and of good courage, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. Only you be strong and very courageous, that you may do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you. Turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have goodsuccess. Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:5-9
Hmmmm? So to be success means (i) being strong, (ii) and courageous, (iii) keep God's law, (iv) let it not depart form our mouths, (v) meditate on it, (vi) observe, (vi) and do it. But if you look at those verses more closely, really what are they saying?

Well, if I may, what I see here is that success really means having God by your side. Success means that God will never forsake you or fail you. THEN we will prosper and "have success".

But, how do we know God is with us? What does success look like?

Does this answer our questions or just open up a whole slew of new ones? Hmmm...

Monday, December 20, 2004

Success... What Is It? (part 3)

As I mentioned in my previous post, the word success is actually only used once in the King James Translation. It is found in Joshua 1:8. And it comes from the Hebrew word sakal.

Now, this is not the only time we find sakal in the Old Testament, even though it is the only occurrence of the word success (in the early English translations). In other instances in the Old Testament (and there's over 60 instances) of the word sakal, it has been translated into the words understand or understanding, wise, wisely, or wisdom, prosper, consider, instruct, prudent, skill, teach, guiding, wittingly, behaved, skillful and, of course, success.

Interesting spread of words. No where in those words do I see any indication of success being some kind of destination or goal. Instead it seems to be very vague, at least vague to those who like things concrete, practical and in absolutes.

To me all these words give a sense of learning and growing; something that does not actually end. Because, we can always learn more, grow in deeper understanding (just ask a Microbiologist), have more wisdom, grow more skillful. Even when you are the best at something, say the fastest runner, you can always train more to gain that extra 1/100th of a second.

Well, I suppose we can then say that success is a journey, as John Maxwell put it.

But you know what. That also means that you are, or you can be, a success RIGHT NOW!

Think about it. Comment on it. I'll write more about that tomorrow.

Be blessed.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Success... What Is It? (part 2)

Did you know that in the King James Translation, there is only one use of the word success?

You'll find it in Joshua 1:8, and it reads, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."

Interesting, eh!?

When I looked up the Hebrew word used here, it was sakal, pronounced saw-kal'. It's Biblical uses range as follows:
1. To be prudent, be circumspect, wisely understand, prosper
a) (active verb) to be prudent, be circumspect
b) (passive verb)
i) to look at or upon, have insight
ii) to give attention to, consider, ponder, be prudent
iii) to have insight, have comprehension
- insight, comprehension (subst)
iv) to cause to consider, give insight, teach
- the teachers, the wise
v) to act circumspectly, act prudently, act wisely
vi) to prosper, have success
vii) to cause to prosper
2. (intensive active verb) to lay crosswise, cross (hands)

Interesting, eh!?

The Amplified translation adds this to the verse: "This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. [This is the only place in the early English versions where the word "success" is found. The secret of success is given in verses 5 through 9. Joshua accepted Moses' place of leadership without misgivings. God's will for him was his will, and he did not hesitate. To go "all out" for God was already habitual with him; it is the unfailing prerequisite of eternal success (Deut. 6:3-5; Ps. 1:1-3; Luke 10:25-28).]"

Interesting, eh!?

There's no mention of success being a destination... Or even having anything to do with money, wealth, power or possessions. Hmmm? The word prosper only shows up three times in that definition above. And even that word has been twisted in its meaning. We often equate prosperity with financial prosperity, but it actually has a more holistic definition. Prosperity refers to a total, whole body/person prosperity, from health, wealth, emotions, relationships, etc...

There's a lot to chew on here. I'll leave it at that for now. I welcome your comments.

Be blessed!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Success... What Is It?

If I were to throw out the question, "What do you think success is?" I am sure I would get as many different answers as people have different hair colour. Weird analogy, but I think you get my point.

Nevertheless, I think the majority of people do view it as a destination; as a goal to get to; as a "place" you are not at yet, but hope to be someday; or something to that effect. The typical mentality would be something like, "I'm not quite there... Yet." And I suppose, many Christian view "ultimate" success as "getting" to heaven. (Why all the " "? Well, I'm not sure how each person really sees these things. We all have a different view or understanding of what "ultimate" means and even what "getting" to heaven means... But I am not a fan of arguing semantics, though I know that it IS important to get our definitions in order... But I digress)

Can I throw out four areas that most people would define as symbols or markers of success (sure I can... It is my blog :):
1. Wealth
2. Specific & Worthwhile Possessions
3. Power
4. Achievement
Can we agree that for every person, each of these could--and probably does--mean something different, when you consider specifics in a person's life? And, can we also agree that your own definition of success probably has some element of one or more of these?

Well, the Scriptures definitely have a different view of what success is. And that's what I'm looking at. Will you now allow me to throw out a hypothesis? And will you join me as I seek out an answer to what success is?

Now, I read this definition from the book "Your Road Map For Success," by John C. Maxwell, so it's not necessarily my original idea. But, it did spark something in my mind. And since John Maxwell is a Christian and a pastor, I wanted to see if this definition was founded in Scripture. Here is the definition:
Success is...
knowing your purpose in life,
growing to reach your maximum potential, and
sowing seeds that benefit others.
It certainly sounds Christian... Well, it mentions sowing seeds... And serving :) Ultimately, John Maxwell describes success as a journey and not a destination. Hmmm... Sounds interesting. But, again, is it Scriptural?

That's where my search begins. And I'll share with you what I've found so far in my next post.

Disclaimer: By no means do I profess myself to be an expert. I am just one who does not accept things at face value, and nor should you. I don't just absorb things from "pastors" and accept them as truth, without asking questions and seeking God for my own answers. Often, I come to the same conclusions... But, often enough, I have not, and have had to disagree with the "teacher". Ultimately, I stand before God, and God alone, to judge my heart and my actions... So He's the only one I am trying to please. So feel free to comment (I will not engage in a debate or argument though) and glean anything that may be of worth to you. BE BLESSED!

Correction to December 6th Post

OK... So it wasn't an outline for the next week... :)
Hey, there's some meaty stuff here, and when I don't fully get it, how can I write about it, eh?!
Besides... I sometimes have trouble getting my priorities straight :)

Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday Jesus!

Monday, December 06, 2004

Outline for this Week

Well, God is doing a number on me... like He hasn't been all this time... but I think I'm starting to see where it's all going. There's a bunch of stuff I want to write about... for one, I want to finish the "10 Emerging Prophetic Shifts", but I'm still meditating on Day 4... I will write more on that.

Anyway, here's what I will be looking at and writing about thyis week:

1. Definition of Success from Scripture.
2. How to get people to catch your vision... from a Scriptural point of view.
3. Some thoughts on the 4th commandment: "Honour your father and mother..."
4. I want to share my vision for a 24/7 prayer & worship centre.

I guess that's it right now, but I'm sure there will be more... God is always talking... but are we always listening?

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

10 Emerging Prophetic Shifts - Day 4

I'm stuck on day 4... I haven't even gone through what Chuck Pierce says in his word. Let me first share Chuck's words, and then I'll explain a little.

4. New Warfare strategies of recovery and reversal of fortune.

Chuck first mentions that we need to sit before the LORD and ask Him to give us the mind for recovery. Then he says to read 1 Samual 30:6-8. We need to encourage ourselves in the LORD, and not just look at our "bad" situation!

Read Jeremiah 30. LORD, give us an understanding of the power if restoration. LORD, we pray through Haggai 1-2. LORD, we decree that ALL disinterest, disillusionment, and discouragement will break from us! Father, we pray for every building project that You have placeed before us--which includes our ministries, our church, and even actually physical buildings. LORD, unlock that silver and gold these projects will need.

I have not been able to get past this. When I read each one of those passages above, it stirred something in me. We just came off of a week long conference. During that conference, many things were declared and taught and said, and God stirred up some dreams I thought were dead. BUT, I want to make sure that it is God and that it is His right timing before I say or do anything. That's why I am spending some time on this. I know there are projects He wants started... and if it is from the God of Heaven and Earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the "silver and gold" will be released. Amen.

Be blessed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

10 Emerging Prophetic Shifts - Day 3

3. New strategies concerning supply and the transference of wealth.

Today I read 1 Kings 17, 2 Kings 4, and Mark 12:41-44. All of these passages have to do with God's provision, God's "financial" or material blessing, and giving from our need or our lack, not form our surplus.

These are not new or novel ideas. Anyone who reads his Bible with an open heart knows that God is a God of blessing. He wants to bless us, even in this world. It is NOT some higher form of Christianity to be poor or to voluntarily want to be poor or just have the "basic" needs. I am not saying that Christians will not be poor or in trouble financially sometimes. Occasionally, we make very bad decisions (I'm still living with a lot of bad decision I had made from about ages 18-28). There is wisdom we need to use and obey to see financial prosperity. BUT if you believe the lie that money is evil or that it is prideful to be well-off, you in essence close the door to God's blessings.

Look at the stories in 1 Kings 17 and 2 Kings 4. If those people in the stories did not believe that they deserved to be blessed, or wanted to stay in their poverty, they would not have obeyed the "men of God" and they would not have been blessed by God.

We need to believe that God wants to bless. We need to believe that God CAN bless. We need to believe that He WILL bless us.

We have to break out of our pragmatic and physical-world thinking. God can bring us our provisions in whatever way HE wants to... Through Ravens, through oil being poured into other jars, by simply having a man of God declare something over you... Whatever way HE wants!

O LORD, I decree over my life that the spirit of poverty will not speak and deceive me this year. LORD show me how I may multiply my resources. LORD, I ask You to give me favour with your creditors. And Father, teach me and show me how to give according to Your ways. Break the spirit of greed and/or covetousness in my bloodline. I reject this curse over my family... and from this day forward, me and my house will serve the LORD!

Be blessed.

Forgiveness -- a Hard Thing to Do

Forgiveness is very hard to do sometimes. But it is a command!

Today I read an article on the Elijah List, entitled "Forgiveness of Former Wounds." Read it. It's really good. I could not do it justice here... Especially since this is an area I am struggling with right now.

The question I keep asking is, "How can you keep forgiving someone, who seems to be clueless to the hurt they are causing you and are sometimes unwilling to change that even when you confront them?"

What makes all this the more difficult is that I am a very introverted person... I am also a peacemaker... So for me to rock the boat is difficult. I'll often rather take the offense or hurt or, even, abuse, than to confront and cause "more" trouble. I'll keep everything bottled up inside, in the hopes that I won't exasperate the situation. It is a coping mechanism from my childhood. When my parents would fight, I would keep everything bottled up so as not to cause more trouble... I saw my brother speak out and that would just cause the fighting to escalate.

Now, to borrow a phrase from Dr. Phil, "How's that working for ya?!" It's not! But I don't know what else to do.

Without getting into specifics, there is a person in my life that continues to hurt me, disrespect me, and in their actions and words, devalue me. This person is some one very close to me, and someone I wish I could have a healthy and good relationship with. BUT, when I do mention this to them, they shrug it off as my problem, like they don't have this problem... Or they flatly deny any such wrong doing and promptly 2 seconds later put me down again.

I have forgive this person many times before, but where is the limit? Where is the point where I am "allowed" to end this? I know God is my justice and He'll take care of the wrongs towards me... But how long do I have to endure the repeated pain?

I guess all I can do is pray as Robert Ricciardelli prayed in his article, "Holy Spirit, I pray that you will bring remembrance to past wounds only to check our hearts for true and full forgiveness to those who have afflicted us. Father, we realize that it is a command and we also realize that if we do not, then even our sins will not be forgiven. Father, of myself, I can do nothing, and in no way have the strength, courage, and obedience to forgive. But, Father, in you and through the power of the Holy Spirit, who lives in me, I choose to forgive all of them that you have brought to my remembrance, in Jesus' name. I even go further and ask you to bless them that did this to me and make yourself known to them Father, in Jesus' mighty name, Amen!"

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

10 Emerging Prophetic Shifts - Day 2

2. New emerging strategies that will cause us to have the right word to change legal structures.

Chuck wrote, "This is where the real war over our nation lies."

I read Acts 3-5. In a nutshell, Peter and John heal a lame beggar, begin to teach about Jesus, get arrested by the religious leaders, are freed by an angel, preach the Gospel some more, are arrested again, but this time they are flogged and then released based on the idea that if it is not from GOD, their movement would fizzle out. And the famous words are uttered: "It's necessary to obey God rather than men." (see acts 5:29) Please don't take that verse out of context. They were being ordered not to preach the Gospel. The disciples were not breaking any "legal" laws... The religious leaders simply did not like their preaching.

There is more that happens, but, I believe, the point is made. The early Church had a boldness we often lack today. And that boldness led then to confront many legal structures and legalistic-religious structures of their time.

LORD, I pray give us a new boldness in our spirit. Let Your boldness rest on us. Holy Spirit deal with all our infirmities through Jesus Christ our Lord. All we need is Jesus, and we can walk in full boldness and strength. Father, I also ask that you show each one of us, Your children, our place of involvement concerning the legal structures around us. Give us Your way to deal with the injustices, unrighteousness, and ungodliness in our world.

Read Colossians 2. This passage is all about legalism and a religious spirit. It is so easy to be deceived and to believe that what we think and believe is absolutely the truth and Scripturally sound, when often it is not. Often, our believes are based on some kind of tradition or opinion or personal taste. The Gospel has nothing to do with personal taste. The Gospel is Truth for ALL people. Lord show us and remove any areas in our lives that might be operating under any religious legalism. We are free in Christ of all man-made rules, and we are free to worship and serve God based on His Word.

Be blessed

Monday, November 15, 2004

Are you light and salt?

I've just been thinking a lot about the church and Christians in general... Especially, from a North American viewpoint... And even more so, from a Quebecois viewpoint, where we have possibly the smallest population of Christian in the west.

Some of my frustrations with other Christians is how we do NOT portray the love of Christ, and GOD's values and virtues to our world and communities. I'm sorry if I offend you, but we do such a crappy job of showing our world how awesome it is to be a child of GOD and to be Christian... In general... I know there are some really awesome examples in our world.

We're often viewed as dimwitted (George W. Bush?), close-minded, right-leaning, conservative, gun-toting psychos. Or, depressed, unhappy, "poverty"-stricken, boring rejects.

I don't know about you, but the Scriptures do not paint this kind of picture for our lives.

I'm reading a book entitled, "Being the Body," by Chuck Colson, founder and chairman of Breakpoint online and founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries, and Ellen Vaughn. I'm not here to review it or recommend it or anything like that. BUT, Chuck does make some powerful observations and comments about Christianity. In the chapters that I am reading presently, he is writing about being salt and light to this world. Most of us understand that being light in this world means bringing the light of Jesus to the world, for He is the light of all men. But do we really understand what it means to be salt?

Well, what is salt? What is it used for? There are two traditional purposes of salt... And probably the two purposes Jesus was speaking about when He first mentioned it to His disciples. One is that salt is used to bring out the taste of food, but it needs to penetrate into the food. That's why it needs to be cooked with the food. Often, if the salt is just on the surface, you haven't really done anything to the food. The second is that salt was (and often still is) used as a preservative. With no fridges and freezers, people used to preserve their meats with salt.

Think about that. Think about what that means for you for where you are. It is NOT good for us to keep our Christianity in the four walls of our churches, and then forget about Christ the rest of the week. Wherever we are, in school as students, teachers, administrators, at work as employees or managers or board members, even as ministers, we should be penetrating into our world and bringing it taste and preserving that which is good.

That brings a couple ideas to mind. First, this world is good!!!! Whoa! That breaks some mindsets, eh! GOD made this world good, but it takes "salty" Christians to bring out the goodness. Secondly, our world is decaying, and it needs salty Christians to preserve that which is good.

I can't tell you what that means for you. I can't tell you what you have to do to be a salty Christian. But we must be! We must be a presence in this world and not as outsiders and outcasts, but as active and useful members of society.

That's why it's important to vote (not necessarily for the "Christian" candidate, but because it's the right thing to do). That's why it's SO important to get involved in your community. That's why it's important to be a good neighbour. That's why you should be one of the best employees your boss has. That's why our churches should be filled with every Christian working their butts off to make their church the most attractive thing to non-believers!

Let's wake up people. We need each and every part of the body working on all cylinders!

Be blessed.

Friday, November 12, 2004

10 Emerging Prophetic Shifts - Day 1 (continued)

I know it's now spilling over to day 3, but there is so much here that I wanted to really think about it and meditate on it. I still didn't do all that much meditating (it's been a very busy "work" week).

In Day 1, Chuck Pierce also mentions to meditate on Joshua 1-3. A real brief synopsis of it is Moses is dead, Joshua is made the new leader, and the people of Israel are about to enter into their promised land. The LORD gives them (and us!) a number of instructions and promises.

Some of the main ideas (at least from my perspective) were:
1. Joshua 1:2-5 - GOD is giving the promised land, and will never leave us!
2. Joshua 1:6-9 - keep and obey God's commands
3. Joshua 1:11 - we must TAKE the land GOD is giving us
4. Joshua 2 - GOD has gone ahead and already prepared the victory for us!
5. Joshua 2 - there may well be covenant relationships with people we would not expect
6. Joshua 3:5 - we must sanctify ourselves

There is a LOT more there than just that. But ultimately, what God is saying is that we must prepare ourselves for victory! Victory is ours, just as it was the Israelites. In fact, had they walked in faith 40 years ago, they would have entered the promised land then. They instead listened to the negative report of the 10 spies, and spent forty years in the desert... as well as, ever person who had complained and grumbled, died in the desert.

Listen, now is not a time to grumble or murmur. Now is not a time to turn our backs to GOD. Now is not the time to be slack and apathetic and have a "wait-and-see" attitude. We must jump on the wave, and move through our Jordan into our promised land. Ready to "fight" for the land God has promised us. Ready to reclaim our cities and nations back to God. Be prepared for victory. Sanctify yourself.

Listen closely to what God would have you do. The smallest things ARE important. You never know how big of an impact your little act will have. Look at Rahab. She was a traitor to her nation and city. She risked her life on two sides... turning against her own king and trusting two spies she did not know. Ultimately, she trusting in GOD. And she became the grandmother of King David, and a descendant of the Messiah!

Be blessed

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

10 Emerging Prophetic Shifts - Day 1

This is based on Chuck Pierce's 10-Day Prayer Focus to Decree & Emerge into your Promises Ahead!

1. A New Passion in God's prophetic people to be holy and separated out of and unto His purposes.
This has been my heart's desire for a while, because I feel like I haven't been doing anything... That I am not walking and serving in my calling, but rather JUST serving--wherever and doing whatever that may lead to. That does not make me happy. I long to be in the place God has prepared for me. I long for the work God has prepared for me. I know all this is preparation, but it is NOT my final destination in this lifetime.

Colossians 1 was the passage Chuck mentions for this first day along with this thought: "Ask God to reveal any unholy, besetting sin within you that could affect your conscience and allow Satan's seducing, condemning voice to speak subtly in your ear."

We often don't even realize how easily we veer off the path. It's not usually done on purpose, but it's often little compromises and little side-steps off God's path.

But the great thing is that we have Christ in us (see verse 27)! The Gospel, which is in us, bears fruit and gets larger and stronger. Notice, that's an automatic. We don't really do anything, except for hoping, believing and keeping faith. God does the growing!

Paul's prayer touched me again... Just like yesterday! He writes in verses 9-12, "Be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven't stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray that you'll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul--not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us."

I pray that God gives me a wise mind and a spirit attuned to His will, and so to acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which GOD works! I want to learn more and more how GOD works, so that I can learn to do my work!!!! Lord give me the strength that will endure and spill over into joy, regardless of the circumstances! AMEN! AMEN! I find my purpose in You and You alone, O LORD! Grow me in maturity. Grow me in a basic faith in You! Christ alone! No more, no less! Thank you, Father!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

This is my Prayer

I'm coming out of this "tunnel". I'm targetting the thing that bugs and frustrates me the most... the secular routines and rituals that have made their way into the church... in other words, the sacred cows we hold as irrefutable doctine... as sacred as Scripture. From another point of view, that also includes the adoption of non-Scriptural but seemily good secular ideas and structues... I'm sure some may have validity in the context of the Church as an organization, but I know we are more than that.

Anyway, I was reading Philippians yesterday, and I didn't get very far before something touched my heart.

“So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover's life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud
of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God.” - Philippians 1:9-11

This is what I want to strive for... not titles... not positions... not money... not fame... not "success" (not in the secular sense)... not even approval (at least not man's)... I want to strive that my love (and yours!) will flourish! That I will not only love much but WELL! LORD, teach me to love appropriately. Help me to use my head and test my feelings, so that my love will be intelligent and sincere, and not just sentimental gush! Teach me, O LORD, to live a lover's life, one that You are proud of. So that, Jesus may be attractive to all, and getting everyone involved in Your glory and praises, O my LORD!

Be blessed!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

What's going on?

A friend of mine recently shared with me that they have been having very strong feelings or urges to kill themself... or at least to die. They thought they were going crazy and that it was weird or strange, especially since they are a Christian, and a pretty hardcore, fired-up Christian at that. BUt, I do not find that weird or strange. I went through a 13+ year depression, and about 5 of those years was as a hardcore, fired-up Christian. At its worse, and right before the LORD healed me of it, I was praying, hoping, begging that God would take my life, either by being hit by a bus or speeding car or that a group of thugs would beat me to death... basically because I knew I could never take my own life.

Is that weird?! Is that shocking!?

WHAT!? A Christian feels that way!

I say, "Get off your self-righteous high-chair!"

Sorry about that, but there is so much going on out there, both in the visible and in the invisible realms, that we cannot know everything. All I know is THAT is the way I have felt in the past, and lately, that is how I feel. Is it non-Scriptural? No, of course not! There are examples of people, GREAT men and women of God, who were depressed, and, yes, some wanted to die!

Job is maybe the best example! Then there is David, where he reveals in his Psalms the great sorrow and pain he felt at times. There is Abraham sulking in his tent.

Sometimes circumstances out of our control heep heavy burdens on our hearts. Sometimes it is purely a spiritual attack. Though I don't give the devil that much credit. He's only able to do what God allows him, and so if it is a spiritual attack, it probably is something God is trying to teach you, train you, discipline you and/or grow you in.

So what am I talking about. I don't know. All I know is that I am sick and tired of where I am in my life. But I don't know what the next step is. And God seems VERY silent in that regard right now. I'm tired of being abused... verbally and relationally... that's a weird one, eh. Relational abuse!

What do I mean by that? Well, we all know what a relationship is. And we all have different definitions and levels of relationships in our lives. Well, when certain expectations or standards in a particular relationship are not met by one of the parties... then I guess that can be considered abuse... especially if it affects your emotions and health and the relationship with that other party.

WOW... that's as unspecific as someone can be without being totally in the clouds, eh!

This is far from over... but that's it for today!

Tune back in... same BAT-time, same BAT-channel.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Having A Hard Time Praying

It's the lifeblood of a follower of Christ, a chaser of God.
Prayer has been defined as spiritual breathing... well, I guess I've been holding my breath for a while.

I don't know what it is, but I have had no desire to schedule off a time to "spend" with God. As I've mentioned before, I am a believer in the whole idea of practicing the presence of God, so God knows very well what I am going through. But there is something to be said about having a scheduled time with God where you read Scriptures, pray Scriptures, and petition God with your prayers (see Philippians 4:6-7). And, well, Ien having trouble with that.

I feel so burnt. I feel so tired. I feel like I do almost nothing for myself. I feel like I do not do anything I enjoy... except for playing bass and worshipping God that way.

But I know I need to come to God.

Maybe there's a sense of being ripped off. I know God is good, but somewhere deep inside my subconscious is a belief that it is too much hard work to get anything from God. I "know" it's not true, because Jesus Himself said:

"What father among you, if his son asks for a loaf of bread, will give him a stone; or if he asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good gifts [gifts that are to their advantage] to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and continue to ask Him!"

At the same time, I believe in being honest with God. And that's why I am sharing how I feel. I know God doesn't get mad or angry when I am honest with Him. He wants me to be honest. Nothing is more distasteful than someone who pretends everything is OK and good, but on the inside they are full of hate, anger, murderous thoughts, etc.

I use King David as my example. Look at some things he wrote:

- "I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High." - Psalm 7:17

- "Praise be to the LORD , for he showed his wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city." - Psalm 31:21

- "Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing
praises." - Psalm 47:6

- "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?" - Psalm 22:1

- "I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears." - Psalm 6:6

- "When I weep and fast, I must endure scorn;" - Psalm 69:10

- "You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound." - Psalm 4:7

- "Pour out your wrath on them; let your fierce anger overtake them." - Psalm 69:24

We see David showing emotions from joy and praise, to weeping and even anger or vengefulness. But David was always described as a "man after God's own heart." So, even though things don't seem to be going my way... at least in my eyes... I know that my God is for me and not against me. I know that He has a plan for my future, a plan to prosper me. Praise God!

Be blessed!

Friday, October 15, 2004

God works all things together for our good!

NOTE: I started writing this post on Tuesday, October 5th, 2004, but I wasn't able to complete it, because it turned into a bit of an autobiography of the last 10 years, so here it is.

Something happened today (October 5th), and through it, God taught me a lesson that was ten years in the making!

There is a verse that my good friend, Frank, has been quoting to me since the first day we've met (around 8 years now). It is Romans 8:28, which says:

"We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things
work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love
God and are called according to [His] design and purpose."
This verse has helped me through various pains and struggles, but little did I know how true and how real this verse was to my whole life (BTW, this verse is true to all who are called according to His purposes... which means all of us!). Let me explain.

We often go through life, encountering difficulties, pains, obstacles, hurts, suffering, blessings, honours, mercies, and a whole lot more. Yet, we rarely know how each event connects to us and to our whole life. Rarely, and especially when you are in it, does a storm of life look like something beneficial for your future life. However, God uses ALL things for our good, even when we do not see it. What has happened in my own life is proof positive of God's faithfulness and goodness.

This part of the story begins about 10 years ago.

I graduated from Concordia University with a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering in 1995. During those 9 and a half years, I started a Master's and never completed it. I worked for a company called Wavesat (which has completely changed since I worked there), and was laid off, along with 40 other employees, about 10 months later. I then went unemployed for another 10 months, at which point I landed a part-time teaching job at Dawson College. 8 months later, after months of fruitless job searching, I took a part-time job at a coffee shop called Pekarna. 4 months later, I was made manager at Pekarna. At the same time, I also managed to get some part-time teaching substitution work at Dawson each semester. But to say I was earning what my education supposedly said I deserved would be a lie.

During that time, I also got married and bought a triplex... which is a total miracle and a subject of a future post!

So here I was, an engineer by education, a part-time teacher and coffee-shop manager by profession, married, land-owner and over $20K in debt (not including my car and mortgage), and I was barely making $20K a year! On top of all that, I was unable to even land an interview for an engineering position... I've had a total of 5 interviews since I was laid off from Wavesat: 1 at Pekarna (got the job), 2 at a medical imaging company (did not get either position), and 2 at Dawson (one for the teaching positions and one for a technician position and I got both... the technician position is part of what I learnt from God!)

When you look at the last 10 years of my life, I have asked myself and God, "Why all this?" Each event looks so separate. Why have I had so much difficulty finding an engineering job... and I even thought and believed with all my heart that I had a great chance this summer at a position with Tyco Fire & Security, but even that fell through. I have had to work many hours, and many evening shifts to make ends meat, which then caused some relational difficulties between my wife and I (it's hard to maintain, forget about grow, a relationship when your wife is at work or school all day and you're working all night, and you SEE each other for half an hour each day).

I have thought and asked myself many times over the last four years if I had made a mistake with my career choices and my education. I felt like I wasted 10 years of my life, and if I extend it to my undergraduate studies, I have wasted 14 years of my life... that's almost half my lifetime!

BUT, as I said today God has shown me that everything I went through these past 10 years was not all for naught. Today I received my salary adjustment for the technician's position I got at Dawson. First off, I have to say that this job was totally God's provision. There are no teaching positions in my field at Dawson this or next semester, unless someone falls extremely ill, and the next part-timer in line does not want the job... which is unlikely, because he's been holding out for a full-time position for the last 6+ years, taking any and all courses thrown his way. Anyway, I also had to beat out another engineer who had much more experience than I did, and also had networking knowledge, which I don't. By God's grace, I did beat him out and I got my first full-time job in an engineering-related field in almost 4 years.

Here is where the really good news comes. The starting salary was $16.65/hr or so, which when you're making $10/hr plus tips and when you consider that it is a technicians job and not an engineering job, it is great! I had to also get them my school transcripts and letters of attestation of employment from my previous employers. With this information they would adjust my salary according to my experience. Well, I was expecting a dollar or two more. My wife and I were praying and hoping for something like $19/hr. What did God give me... well, with out giving out the actual salary, let me put it this way. I'm making more than I did while working at Wavesat as an engineer, at the same time I will never work overtime (because they have to pay extra and they are not willing to) while at Wavesat I was expected to work unpaid overtime... and I did, often working 60-70 hour weeks. The environment is almost totally stress free, while Wavesat was a pressure cooker of stress.

And what did God show me. All those years of supposed wasted time did eventually pay off. And when a full-time teaching position does become open (which according to the chair will happen in the next couple of years), my salary will go up a bit more again. This also now opens the door for me to apply for technician jobs in industry. Most companies refuse to hire engineers as technicians, because they fear that the engineer will demand too high a salary and eventually try to transfer to an engineering position... but working as a technician works better for me, because it offers me invaluable experience for my dream job of teaching!

So remember, no matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, no matter what the situation looks like to you... God uses it all. And if your heart is pure and for God... He does reward us and He does bless us!

"But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever
would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is
the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out]."

"Jesus said, Truly I tell you, there is no one who has given up and left house
or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for My sake and
for the Gospel's Who will not receive a hundred times as much now in this
time--houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with
persecutions--and in the age to come, eternal life."

Be Blessed!

Friday, October 01, 2004

Experience - necessary? real? - part 2

In my last post, I concluded that experiencing God's truth in our lives is very necessary. God does not call us to blind faith. There are promises in His Word that MUST come true when we follow His ways... and come true on THIS earth in THIS time (see Mark 10:29-30). Otherwise, God would be a liar, and He cannot bear false witness to His Own Word. However, there is a point where what we experience, especially in the supernatural sense, has nothing to do with God and has no basis in God's Word.

I've heard people talk about their experiences as if it was God's Word and THE truth. Now, I do not deny that what people experience is a reality to them. It is real to them and it is true to them. But to equate that to God's Word and truth is dangerous. And Man has been doing that since the beginning of time. We've added, or we have tried to add, stuff to God's Word based on our experiences and what we think based on what we observe. But it doesn't work that way. God's Word is the same yesterday, today and forever!

It is dangerous to believe and trust in our experiences out of the light of the Gospel. Without the lamp of God's Word lighting our path, we simply stumble around in the dark.

Here are some examples of experiences that may or may not be from God, and do not necessarily have any Scriptural reference:

- When you come under the power of the Holy Spirit, you shake and tremble.
WORD Truth - though there are many examples of people trembling when in the
presence of God's power, nothing is specifically said about shaking or
trembling under the power of the Holy Spirit.
- God speaks through me in
my dreams every night. WORD Truth - though there are examples of God speaking to
people through dreams, if we were to make a statistical study of the ways God
speaks, dreams would not be a the top of the list. God often openly and directly
speaks to people; He speaks to their hearts; He speaks through OTHER people
often; He speaks through His Word; He speaks through our own God-given
intelligence and wisdom; He speaks through His apostles, prophets, pastors,
teachers and evangelists.
- God needs to confirm His Word to me, or He always confirms His Word to
me. WORD Truth - He does NOT. The book of JOb is proof positive that sometimes,
we have no idea why something happens, and God will not give us a reason. That's
why it's called faith. "NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title
deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and
the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not
revealed to the senses]" - Hebrews

And there are a million other examples, these are just the ones I've come across recently in my dealings with people. However, like I said, we need to keep the light of the Word as our guide. Here's what I know about how our experiences and God's Word should work together.

First and foremost, the Word says that we must test every spirit. (1 John 4)
Second, everything should be established by two or three witnesses, (Deuteronomy 17:6, Deuteronomy 19:15, Matthew 18:16, 2 Corinthians 13:1, 1 Timothy 5:19, Hebrews 10:28) that includes Scripture. What I mean by that is if something is mentioned once in Scripture, it should not become a doctrine or something necessary for our faith.
Thirdly, like the apostle Paul wrote, not everything is beneficial for us, though it may be permissible. (1 Corinthians 6:12, 1 Corinthians 10:23)

So much more can be said about this, but, really, my point is that too many Christians try to make their Christian walk overly "spiritual", when our spirituality is really strongly based in much practicality. In other words, most things spiritual have a real, practical, visible outcome in this world. And many of our practical day to day actions have a very real significance in the spiritial realm. Things do not have to have a "supernatural" phenomenon to be spiritual.

Be blessed!

Monday, September 27, 2004

Experience - necessary? real?

As humans, we often make decisions and judge things by our experiences. Many psychologists would even say that who we are and how we deal with certain situations as adults has everything to do with our experiences as children. But when you talk about your walk of faith with God, where does experience come into play?

I'm asking this question and pondering its implications for a number of reasons.

I know in my own life that my experiences with God have surely shaped what I believe and how I approach God. The Bible speaks of the presence of God, of His healing power, of the Holy Spirit, of speaking in tongues, and I have experienced all of these and many other truths from the Bible. That is why I can stand before you and testify that the Bible is true today as it was yesterday and as it will be forever.

But when can experience become a trap? When can your experiences actually not reveal anything about God... and may instead reveal a dark and evil truth many want to just sweep under the rug? I think I know the answers, but then how do you tell that to someone who lives by their experiences and cannot see that they do NOT line up with the word of God? However, before I jump into that, let me look at the role of experience in our lives.

Like I said above, experiences in my own life and in the lives of others has shown me that what is written in Scripture is true and real and alive. For example, I was in a church that did not believe in the "power" if the Holy Spirit and in the gifts of the Holy Spirit (see Hebrews 2:4, 1 Corinthians 12, 14), like speaking in tongues, prophesying, dreams, visions, physical manifestations of healing power, etc (know as a cessationist belief... in other words, all these things ended with the first church, for we no longer have need for them). However, when I felt something in the deepests part of my being and my spirit, and strange words came out of my mouth that I did not understand, I could no longer say that the Holy Spirit no longer worked in this fashion. I am not trying to get into a cessationist/revivalist/pentecostal (or whatever other words people use) debate here. So let me use another example that, I think, everyone will agree with and understand.

When I was "born-again" or when I finally realized that is was ONLY through faith in Jesus that I would go to heaven, I experienced salvation as is described in Scripture. I had a revelation or an understanding (that came from God and not from my own intelligence and understanding) that it was ONLY through faith in Jesus Christ that I could be saved. And so I confessed it with my mouth as is described in Romans 10:9-13. So I believed by faith that I was saved and I received the freedom and peace God promises.

Or here is another example based on Phillipians 4:6-7. It says:
"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and
in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving,
continue to make your wants known to God. And God's peace [shall be yours, that
tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing
nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that
is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount
guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

When I have been full of anxiety and worries, I just prayed to God with thanksgiving, and I experienced the peace of God, which transcends all understanding.

So I guess in a nutshell, I say, "Yes, experience is very necessary." It makes God's Word real to us. It makes His Word alive. It makes His Word personal. Nowhere in Scripture does it ask us to believe blindly or to follow God blindly. Even Abraham, though he did not know where he was going or when his son would be born, followed and obeyed God when He asked Abraham to go to Canaan, because God spoke to him... i.e. Abraham had an experience with God!

However, there is a point where we cross the line of God's Word and experience It in our lives, to seeking THE experience or allowing experience to dictate truth in our lives. And I will write about that tomorrow.

Friday, September 24, 2004

My Secret Place

With our world, and especially (I suppose) our western culture and mindset, being so busy, it is very difficult to get a moment alone... much less get some quiet time with God... at least it is for me--what, with 2 jobs (a full-time one and a part-time one), a wife, church, and various church ministries and activities I am involved with, like the worship team, leadership, a small group, College ministry, and set-up team. Plus throw in eating, sleeping, washing, going to the bathroom, and travel time, that leaves me with, oh, an hour... if I sleep for only 5 hours! :)

OK, maybe there's some overexageration, but I'm sure a lot of people feel that way. And of course, I am not talking about the whole art of practicing the presence of God as the late Brother Lawrence put it. It is obvious that we need to continually keep our hearts open to God, to keep the lines of communication continually open. Verses like Luke 24:53, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Jeremiah 33:18, Joshua 1:8, Nehemiah 1:6, Psalm 1:2, Psalm 88:1, 1 Thessalonians 3:10, Revelation 4:8, and many others make that absolutely clear.

But, what I am talking about is that quiet time we know we need to have with God... that early morning prayer like Jesus (Mark 1:35)... that secret place or shelter of the Lord's presence (Psalm 27:5, Psalm 31:20, Psalm 91:1)... that prayer closet (Matthew 6:6).

That's what this blog is all about. It is my quiet place, my secret place, where I can pour out my thoughts and my heart to our Father in heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ... in solitude. I'm committed to coming to God each day in quietness and share the words that are deposited into my heart during that time. I am committed to pour out my heart to God through this blog.

It may seem weird to some, but journalling and committing thoughts, ideas and prayers to paper somehow make them more real, more tangible. And it is very hard to fall asleep when you are typing :)

So following posts will include various thoughts or prayers based on whatever I may have read that day or whatever God-thought may have entered my thoughts. This is as much an experiment as it is my sacrifice and offering to God. I pray that the Lord may be pleased with this offering of his child.

Be Blessed!