Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Church = the Body of Christ = Family

Cindy (my wife) and I have recently started a new cell (small group, Bible study, or whatever other word you want to use). We meet Monday evenings. It's a college-aged cell, which basically means it is geared towards people aged 18-30 or so, with the youthful mindset that they can still change the world and make a difference... And where family, family-life, and careers have not taken center stage, yet. At least, that's how I see this group of people. There are others that fit in that age category, but family and career take precedence over experiencing our youth... Hmmm!

I don't think I explained that very well... Anyway, I'm off topic... BIG surprise.

The point!

We're studying the Purpose Driven Life book by Rick Warren. Yesterday, we did a condensed study on purpose #2: "You were formed for God's family." I guess the fundamental idea is that we were created to be part of a family, and I do not mean a biological family, but a great community of believers. Now, there are many reasons why it is important to be part of a church and part of a specific group of believers, but one of my favorites (and really the signature sermon of my pastors) is Psalm 92:12-13:
"The [uncompromisingly] righteous shall flourish like the palm tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible]. Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God."
We will NEVER accomplish the purpose of our lives, at least not the full purpose of God for our lives, unless we are part of a local church, or a local group of believers. I firmly believe this and the Bible does support it. Of course, some of us will have to change our mindset on what "the church" means... For one, it's not that building you go to on Sunday mornings.

Church is a community. Church is a family. And just like there are problems in any family or community, there will be problems in every local church. That is NO reason to leave your church.

I know in our western society it has become "normal" and ok to get a divorce or separate yourself from your blood family when problems arise that you do not want to or know how to fix. I also know that sometimes, even when you want to and know how to fix a problem, the other people involved have no desire to change. That, Scripturally speaking, still does not give us the ok to leave our family (biological, by marriage, or spiritual).

This is just the start... I'm going to expand on this some more later.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Tying loose ends... Not today :)

I just went through all my past posts and realized that I've left a lot of ideas unfinished. And some still stir something in me, so I know there's stuff to write about. So I will get back to each item, and reference it appropriately.

I used to be a huge comic book fan and collector, and one of my major pet peeves was when writers would seemingly just forget a story-line and never come back to it to finish it or explain it. So I don't want to do the same... Of course, when we speak of spiritual things, then we are talking life-long journeys (can you say "cop-out" )

So, having said all this, I'm going to start peeling away the layers of thought and emotions behind the "Stuff on my heart" post. Be ready to be offended :)

But not today... Be blessed!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Main Sanctuary... isn't it beautiful! Posted by Hello

St Vincent de Paul Cathedral Posted by Hello

I will give you the house... Reprise!

NOTE: I am not writing this to offend anyone or reveal financial issues from my church... It is totally, and simply to show how awesome God is... And that He DOES still speak to us and encourage us! Read on.

Since I've been "out of it" for a while, I was just backtracking through some of my old posts, and I realized that I've left a few ideas... Uhm... How shall I put it... Unfinished? Unanswered? Either way, I came across the one entitled "I will give you the house."

Well, here's an update to that one. We've been looking at a cathedral (anyone who knows Pastor Curtis and Marney, knows that God gave them the mandate to "Take the cathedrals"... ) just east of Papineau on St Catherine called St Vincent de Paul.

Anyway, this church is just absolutely beautiful. It has gorgeous stained-glass windows; amazing artwork on the walls; marble and granite all over... It's just gorgeous.

The main sanctuary seats from 1000-1500, but that's REALLY comfortable seating. You can definitely fit more. There's a small chapel for 100-150 people. Both have similar sized halls underneath them, and there's a presbytery right beside the main sanctuary with some 30 rooms/offices (may even be bigger than that. It has 4 floors of office space).

Anyway, we've been in negotiations with them for a while. The original price was $1.8 million. We countered with a three year rental option, with the rent going as a downpayment toward a final cost of $750,000 for the whole building. They (The archdiocese!!!) countered with $840,000, with a $350,000 downpayment, we would have ownership, and the rest would be paid over three years.

At that point, we've been getting the church congregation behind this to raise $100,000 as quick as possible to go back with another counter-offer. In less than 2 months, we've raised nearly $70,000!!! So the pastors went out to lunch with the two priests who take care of the place. And here's what they offered $25,000 right now, and (I forgot some of the details) $75,000 by September 1st (I think). Then over the next 10 years, interest free, we would make lump-sum payments of $74,000 each year.

Here's what the priests said, "But you'll take possession and ownership right away, right."

We are now writing up the proposal, so they can officially present it to the archdiocese.

God is so faithful to His promises! Isn't He amazing! Simple steps of faith and obedience to His Word... That's all it takes!

OK, It's been a while

So... I've been pretty quiet for a while, eh :)

Just going through some stuff... Trying to figure out some things... Been asking God to clarify that which I don't understand...

Pretty vague... I know.

I guess it comes down to maturity. I read this posting (The Urgency for Maturity, and a Reconciled Mind) on the Elijah List (www.elijahlist.com). I know there's something there, and I realize that our immaturity keeps us from fully understanding God's ways and God's thoughts. In our immature state, our emotions get the best of us, and we walk by sight not by faith.

Maybe the most interesting thought in the article is that we can even walk by sight, seemingly doing what is right and what God's Word says, yet not be walking by faith and in the true reality of what is God's Will according to His Word. I know that's a mouthful, and I'm not sure I understand it.

I guess some more hmmmm-time is needed...

I promise, I'll try to write more often :)
That's as uncommitted as one can be, eh!